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Zoning Certificate of single property obtained from municipality. The information shown on the document: zoning of the property, the permitted uses and existing land use approvals.
Urban Solution is not liable for the information on the certificate. The information is received from the Municipality at the time of the request.
Site investigation report, which includes the following:
- Property details (erf/property number, extent, zoning, location/address).
- Zoning Interpretation Report (zoning information, permissions, approvals, conditions etc.)
- Legal restrictions – title deed conditions and servitudes.
- Approved building plan dates (additional charge for retrieval)
Urban Solution is not liable for the information on the certificate. The information is received from the Municipality at the time of the request.
Retrieve approved building plans from the Municipality
Urban Solution is not liable for the information. The information is received from the Municipality at the time of the request.
Zoning conformance interpretation report by a Professional Town Planner to interpret existing of property's proclaimed zoning and approved building plans. The document includes zoning certificate and approved building plan.
Urban Solution is not liable for the information. The information is received from the Municipality at the time of the request.
A basic planning due diligence report done by an expert town planner. The report includes the following:
- Basic local context analysis.
- Analysis and interpretation of the development potential of a property, in terms of relevant legislation and policy.
- Extract from relevant spatial planning policies and zoning certificate.
- Title deed and servitudes analysis.
Urban Solution is not liable for the information. The information is received from the relevant Municipal departments at the time of the request.
Plans showing the sites location in terms of the Municipality’s current approved Town Planning Policy / SDF / RSDF for an area/region.
Urban Solution is not liable for the information. The information is received from the Municipality at the time of the request.
Retrieve approved building plans from the Municipality
Urban Solution is not liable for the information. The information is received from the Municipality at the time of the request.
Detailed report on the site and its relation to the Municipality’s current approved Town Planning Policy / SDF / MSDF for an area/region.
Urban Solution is not liable for the information. The information is received from the Municipality at the time of the request.
Digital redrawing of existing approved plans
Urban Solution is not liable for the information. The information is received from the existing plans.
Digital redrawing of existing house up to 150m² (from on-site measurements, if approved plan isn't available).
Urban Solution is not liable for the information. The information is received from the existing house.
Plan showing the potential building envelop according to zoning regulations and title deed conditions.
Urban Solution is not liable for the information. The information is received from the existing plans
Basic motivation letter to accompany the building plan departure applications.
Basic responses to objections received during the public participation process (advertising process).
All registered Surveyor General Data related to a single property for download. (historic property diagram research charged at an additional rate).
Urban Solution is not liable for the information. The information is received from the authorities.
Digital version of the erf and the immediate surrounding properties (Autocad / DWG).
Urban Solution is not liable for the information. The information is received from the authorities.
Copy of Title Deed for a single property from the Registrar of Deeds. Note: If the deed has not been scanned or unavailable, additional charges may apply.
Urban Solution is not liable for the information. The information is received from the authorities.